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Closed comb experiments are taken
Closed comb experiments are taken to analyze the phenomena of propellant combustion with or without plasma [7,8]. EGGR of propellants during and after electrical discharges were verified in the experiments. An EGGR coefficient is used to evaluate the effect of electric power [9,10]. Because of EGGR,
phospholipase inhibitor Janet Malcolm Gedisa Barcelona br La
Janet Malcolm: . Gedisa, Barcelona, 2003. La propuesta del doctor Claudio Stern, contenida en el presente libro, cuestiona, duda, critica y construye un enfoque alternativo, lo que aplica phospholipase inhibitor un extenso esfuerzo de investigación, analizando resultados que plantean enormes desa
br lo largo de la
lo largo de la historia de la ética occidental, el estatus moral de las mujeres ha sido un tema de discusión persistente, aunque rara vez central. Unas cuantas voces aisladas han defendido que ellas son pares morales de los hombres, pero la mayoría de las figuras dominantes dentro de la tradición
Kathy Davis advierte que hoy en d a es inimaginable
Kathy Davis (2008) advierte que hoy en día es inimaginable que un programa de estudios de las mujeres o de estudios feministas se centre solo en el sexo, y Leslie McCall presenta la interseccionalidad como la “contribución más importante que los estudios de las mujeres han hecho hasta ahora” (McCall
Although Indian banks have largely
Although Indian banks have largely been able to adhere to guidelines of Reserve Bank of India for managing liquidity, factors affecting liquidity in Indian banks remain relatively unidentified owing to a scarcity of studies on management of liquidity in Indian banks (Bhati & De Zoysa, 2012). The re
From to both HPV infection
From 2009 to 2016, both HPV infection rate and the multiple infection rate showed a gradual decline in the trend, indicating that the prevention and treatment of HPV in Sichuan have undergone good progress. In this study, about a quarter of the tested women carried HPV and about one-third of these p
br On architecture For Banham the question is
On architecture For Banham the question is crystal clear concerning its design quality in response to human needs (Banham, 1975: 154, 1999: 13). Banham speaks of human needs in its contemporariness. Of course, human needs are not simply in terms of utility and accessibility. Banham understands th
From the point of view of cognition
From the point of view of cognition repetitively using the same set of features across many projects in architecture design (Chan, 2000, 2001) would inherently manifest a signature style. For instance, Frank Lloyd Wright in his designs repeatedly applied the features of a low pitch roof, centered fi
Introduction Various techniques for creating a
Introduction Various techniques for creating a comfortable living environment and saving energy have been proposed and employed in residential buildings. Among the available techniques, the installation of additional inner windows appears promising for creating a comfortable and energy-efficient li
Thompson transformations parametric warping based on quadrat
Thompson transformations (parametric “warping” based on quadratic functions, Wilkinson, 2005, pp. 223–224) as illustrated in Figure 3 allow positive and negative transformations based on parameters P1–P10. Of these, the presented generative system uses the six parameters P1, P2, P3, P6, P7 and P8. P
ARCA br Results br Discussion and recommendations br Conclus
Results Discussion and recommendations Conclusion The research acknowledges that despite following similar Islamic faiths, the seven Muslim ARCA interviewed managed to adapt with the use of Western sitting toilets without any major difficulty. Muslims in Australia may have different interp
Our patient presented with sudden onset
Our patient presented with sudden onset of scrotal enlargement and irritability. Although these symptoms were not usual manifestations of testicular torsion, they were compatible with those of a 3-month-old, since young infants may show obscure clinical features. A cystic testicular lesion is often
One of the hallmarks of CAAH is recurrent hemorrhage
One of the hallmarks of CAAH is recurrent hemorrhage. The mechanism of and factors predisposing to recurrent hemorrhage are unclear, but stress conditions may be one of the causes. Surgery for CAAH, one of the major physical stresses, should therefore be reserved for situations where high intracrani
Postoperative brachial plexus injuries have been reported in
Postoperative brachial plexus injuries have been reported in some surgeries, such as coronary artery bypass grafting, especially during internal mammary artery harvesting, and thoracoscopic sympathectomy for axillary hyperhidrosis, but it is rare in thoracotomy. The injury should not be caused by th
br Results br Discussion Lumbar
Results Discussion Lumbar hernia is a rare posterior abdominal wall defect that accounts for less than 1.5% of the total hernia events. Only 200–300 cases have been reported in the literature. The lumbar area is a confined space bordered by the lower edge of the 12th rib superiorly, the iliac
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